BUsiness Intelligence Services
“Without Data, you are just another person with an opinion”
Our evaluations are helping business to put some science around assumptions they previously held about their operation.
This is usually the first step our clients take before embarking on a wider Location Intelligence Strategy.
No need to integrate with your existing IT network, we can get an assessment up and running independently in a few days.
Marketing ROI
“Did my Marketing & Media spend actually work?”
Most businesses all do a good job of measuring online optimisation & conversion through Google Analytics & other tools. However when it comes to understanding their physical premises, they often do nothing. This is crazy considering that online sales sometimes only accounts for up to 3-4% of total sales.
Whether deploying national or regional marketing, we analyse the visitor uplift & trends of all channels deployed so you can understand what real impact your marketing spend is having on driving physical customer traffic.
Sales ROI
“Driving customers to my premises is one thing, but converting a Sale is quite another.”
Depending on the level of product or service sophistication, the sales cycle process will differ greatly. So too should be the way you measure sales effectiveness.
Reconciling your POS and Sales data, we can understand true conversion rates that are taking place in your premises by month, by week, by day, by hour!
No need to rely on your sales staff to input their number of leads. Let us measure and understand what days, hours, departments & staff members provide a higher conversion rate for your business.
workforce roi
“What are the right staffing levels needed to optimise my operation?”
Why pay for excess staff members just in case you might need them? Or have them rostered on the wrong days.
With Location Intelligence you can plan with more accuracy what stores, departments and times of day require more or less staff members.
Achieve the most optimal workforce management ratio for your business to drive better conversions and reduce unnecessary overheads.